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Online gaming has become an increasingly popular pastime for people of all ages, from children to adults. While online gaming can be a fun and social activity, it also exposes individuals to certain dangers, particularly from online predators. Online predators can take advantage of the anonymity and accessibility of the internet to groom, exploit, and harm both adult and underage gamers. This article will examine adult and underage gamers' dangers from online predators within video games and chat services like Discord. One of the main dangers that adult and underage gamers face is the risk of being groomed by online predators. Groomers often pose as fellow gamers, using their knowledge of the gaming community and common interests to build trust with their potential victims. They may pretend to be a friendly and helpful mentor, offering tips and advice on how to improve at the game. Over time, they may ask for personal information or try to establish a deeper connection with the individual, eventually manipulating them into sending explicit images, engaging in online sexual activities, or even meeting in person. Another danger that adult and underage gamers face is the risk of exploitation. Online predators may use the information they gather from gaming and chat services to exploit the victim in various ways. For example, they may use personal information such as home addresses, phone numbers, or credit card information to steal identities, open bank accounts, or make unauthorized purchases. In some cases, online predators may even blackmail their victims into sending more explicit images or performing sexual acts online. Under-age gamers are particularly vulnerable to these dangers as they may not fully understand the risks associated with sharing personal information online. They may also be more susceptible to grooming and exploitation, as they may not have the same level of life experience and judgment as adult gamers. As such, it is crucial for parents and guardians to educate their children about online safety and to supervise their online activities to reduce the risk of harm. To protect against online predators, adult and underage gamers should take several precautions. Firstly, they should never reveal personal information online, especially not to strangers. This includes full names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information. Secondly, they should be cautious of anyone who tries to establish a deeper connection or who asks for personal data, even if they appear to be a fellow gamer or a helpful mentor. If someone makes them feel uncomfortable or asks for explicit images or personal information, they should immediately stop communicating with them and report the incident to the relevant authorities. Additionally, gamers should be aware of the privacy settings in the video games they play and in chat services like Discord. They should adjust their settings to limit who can see their profile information, game activity, and chat messages. They should also avoid sharing links or personal information in public chat rooms and groups, as anyone can see them and may attract online predators. In conclusion, online gaming can be a fun and social activity for adult and underage gamers, but it also exposes them to certain dangers, particularly online predators. Online predators can groom, exploit, and harm individuals by using the anonymity and accessibility of the internet. To protect against these dangers, adult and underage gamers should take precautions such as not revealing personal information online, being cautious of anyone who tries to establish a deeper connection, and being aware of the privacy settings in their video games and chat services. By taking these precautions, adult and underage gamers can reduce the risk of harm from online predators and enjoy online gaming safely and securely.1 point
Werewolf Gaming Review Date: 16 Oct 2022 Information: Werewolf Gaming is a multi-gaming online community with both Rust and Garry's Mod servers. They have a total of 10,052 members as of the review. Servers: Their servers can be found at the provided link: https://www.werewolfgaming.co/servers/ PSAR Rating: AC18 Notes: Store - Werewolf Gaming allows their users to purchase ranks, perks, upgrades, and items that can be used on their servers. Community Forums - Their forums do not contain a privacy policy and any information on how they handle your data. They also allow behavior that is concerning. (images below) Instead of closing/deleting the topic, they continue to allow such behavior to continue and escalate.1 point
Icefuse Networks Review Date: 2 Oct 2022 Information: Icefuse is a multi-gaming community that focuses on both Rust and Garry's Mod servers. Servers: https://icefuse.net/servers/ PSAR Rating: AC18 Notes: Icefuse has in game currencies that can be purchased with real money in the form of a 'Credit Package'. PGCA Reasons: No Privacy Policy Adult Content1 point